I'm currently in such a dilemmatic situation right now. Excited, worried, concern and lots more feelings combine together. I just got a letter from National Student Leadership Conference (NLSC) invited me to represent my high school to attend this conference this summer for Medicine and Health Care program. It is stated that they only select few people across US and around the world based on our academic achievement, leadership potential and other extracurricular activities that we attend. I AM OBVIOUSLY EXCITED TO GO!!! Since I want to be a doctor and medicine & health are definitely my passion! However, as I read through the letter, application and brochure, I feel like I want to cry. Because the cost are really expensive and also most of the dates are either end of June, July or beginning of August. I'll try to select the Washington DC conference which is held on June 23rd until July 2nd. But my problem is, as I checked the e-mail from my exchange friends our end of st...