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Showing posts from July, 2013

It's been quite productive so far..

I'm actually really grateful that I decided to join this short semester (well since my grades aren't good enough as the last semester though) but it also because I start to join many events and activities held by various organisations on campus so it quiet worth it to stay here quite longer than usual. As I have mentioned I think in my previous post about how the atmosphere feel more like a family than just a friendship. Anyway, I'm glad that Allah always give me a best opportunities that I can take in every decision that I made. It allowed me to do more productive activities and things that I like instead of just killing the time during holiday to burn my stress out doing nothing than massive sleeping hours, hanging around at the mall and watching television.  In the last semester I got to do YES Berbagi project and this semester I got to do social project with Pengmas family such as Apanjo (Anak Panti Jompo) and Children National Day (Hari Anak Nasional) also strengt...

Article: Yes Berbagi on The Jakarta Globe!

So a couple of months ago, one of my AFS friend that involved in YES Berbagi project gave me several questions related to that social project because he planned to write an article in jakarta globe about that, here how that short interview goes.. E: Apa yg membuat lo tertarik sama program ini? NA: Karena dari program ini entah kenapa saya bisa melihat suatu kontribusi yang baik untuk anak-     anak Indonesia yang kurang beruntung ke depannya, bila dijalankan secara berkala dan lebih lanjut, kita tidak pernah tahu bahwa mungkin bantuan sedikit yang kita anggap kecil ini dapat berdampak besar pada seorang anak di kemudian hari yang nantinya dapat membuat sebuah terobosan hebat di masa depan, well who knows.. So that's why I get really excited and thrilled whenever there are more ideas pop up while we are discussing during our meeting to improve this program. E: Apa yg menginspirasi lo buat bikin konsep program seperti sekarang? NA: Karena intinya semua orang itu b...

Turning 20's and my Dad's Golden Age (of 50)

well where should I start..  I actually always love July since it's my moth of birthday, because there's always wonderful thing to have a birthday once a year as if you feel to be kinda new person and knowing that there are people that haven't contact you for a while still remember your birthday and I think it is sweet of them to congratulate you, wish you a wonderful years ahead showing that they still care about you. Well I've read some proverbs somewhere and I forgot where did I read that but anyway it says; "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care for them" Isn't it sweet and very true? Cause we as a human are social being so how could we live alone although we know everything to live but we don't have anyone to share and depend on, so misery.  So yeah on July 7th I turned 20 already. Feel so old isn't it, in fact that I don't feel that way though. But yeah the responsibility keep getting b...