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Showing posts from September, 2013

Quote of the Week: Grateful

Okaay so this is the first time I go home really early in the Ident Day! Biasanya maghrib baru beres pulang, sholat ashar juga sebelum ujian ident, nah ini baru masuk ashar aja udah di suruh masuk ident. Tapi good things nya jadi bisa balik cepet, buat ngerjain BBDM, well sama curhat bentar lah numpang nge-bloggy (:P) ga terlalu capek kemaleman baliknya sama dapet BBQ! haha biasanya cuma tinggal sayur2an klo gw keluar, lumayanlah masih dapet seafood, ayam gitu, cuma nyobain seafood nya sih tapi, but still delicious though bikinan dosen2 tercinta, haha..  Well I know that it means nilai pretest gw sangat hancur sampe orang-orang aja bilang tumben gw awal-awal hiksss... sedih banget ga tuh.. Padahal ini situs pertama yang gw baca diktatnya full ampe habis kagak pake longkap-longkap! Iyap I know karna pasti pretest pertama gw yg notabene nya lg sakit radang tenggorokan parah dan kecapean pulang dari Bandung abis Temilnas terus besoknya suruh pretest langsung visceral yang 50 halam...

The Hectic Week was Over and Welcoming new Semester

So here I am writing again since it's better to share my thoughts by my writing cause my plica vocalis seems cannot bear with my sore throat on the posterior of my oro pharing and it's so freakin hard not to speak out loud like I used to. Well even I miss join a karaoke night tonight with my kost mate, how is it possible to sing if I even hard to speak properly -__- Anyway I realized that during the past week I was so tired that I had so many activities going on and I even wanna split my self into thrice to attend event that held on the same time (PMB, Temilnas, Shave for Hope). Well yeah I miss 2 days of PMB to go to Bandung for Temilnas and I have to let go for SFH at Jogja because I already at Bandung during that time although I still helped out during the SFH preparation. After the Short Semester Exam, I had to do a week of freshman orientation (PMB) while my attention and energy has occupied during the day until afternoon, I still pushed my self to stay a...