So tonight is the announcement that I get into semifinalist of the Ambassador of Public Health of AMSA Indonesia 2013-2014 and I still got to do campaign through social media to make it yet this week is my mid semester test week, what should I do then? *sigh... Anyway, I want to share my essay theme so that you'll got some ideas for it! REPLACING A HABIT OF SMOKING AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE WITH CHEWING GUM Lately, there are many reports about children who smoke in Indonesia such as the shocking toddler who even replace his milk with smoking. Indonesia with a population only about 230 million has a higher percentage of young smokers than any other country showed by higher prevalence among the adult smokers, ranks third in the world according to the number of smokers, after China and India, whose respective populations are more than one billion, according to the former head of Indonesia's Medical Association, Kartono Mohamad. Moreover based on the In...