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Showing posts from June, 2015


in·se·cure ˌinsəˈkyo͝or/ adjective 1 . (of a person) not confident or assured; uncertain and anxious. "a top model who is notoriously insecure about her looks" synonyms: unconfident ,  uncertain ,  unsure ,  doubtful ,  hesitant ,  self-conscious , unassertive ,  diffident ,  unforthcoming ,  shy ,  timid ,  retiring ,  timorous , inhibited ,  introverted ;  More 2 . (of a thing) not firm or set; unsafe. If I could describe my feeling in a word now, that could be it, to sum up all of my feeling of "anxiousness". For some reason, lately I felt like I've been left behind in term of anything you may say, education, career, finance, love life, or else, merely I just worried about my future prospect. The reason that trigger me to lead so is that lots of graduation picture in my time line, I chat with my old friends over that issue just to say "Congraduat...

Dear Woman

I found this on my friend's post.. Exactly, this what answered up my wonder. Should we lowered up our standard? The answer is truly yours.. Walk together in the same path, then you're deserved for each other -NA