in·se·cure ˌinsəˈkyo͝or/ adjective 1 . (of a person) not confident or assured; uncertain and anxious. "a top model who is notoriously insecure about her looks" synonyms: unconfident , uncertain , unsure , doubtful , hesitant , self-conscious , unassertive , diffident , unforthcoming , shy , timid , retiring , timorous , inhibited , introverted ; More 2 . (of a thing) not firm or set; unsafe. If I could describe my feeling in a word now, that could be it, to sum up all of my feeling of "anxiousness". For some reason, lately I felt like I've been left behind in term of anything you may say, education, career, finance, love life, or else, merely I just worried about my future prospect. The reason that trigger me to lead so is that lots of graduation picture in my time line, I chat with my old friends over that issue just to say "Congraduat...