Ternyata cerita drama atau sinetron itu klo kejadian ke diri lo sendiri itu lebih sakit adanya ngejalaninnya. Gw mau cerita ttg dua orang yang "dulunya" pernah jadi temen gw. Yang satu temen gw di sekumpulan grup pecinta alam yang suka naik gunung bareng. Pernah kerja bareng di suatu acara intra kampus dengan jadi koordinator bareng. Berlanjut sampe bantuin gw skripsian, ya cukup diandalkan lah buat dimintain tolong buat sekedar jemput gw subuh2 di stasiun kereta atau saling support selama koas yg bikin orang vulnerable karna jauh dari orang tua dan tuntutan kerjaan yang bikin lelah hati dan pikiran. Oh tapi ga cuma2 jg dong dia bantuin gw karena yg ada jg dia butuh gw, tiap stase pinjem buku gw, pinjem alkes pun dan ga lupa jg minta operan stase pdhl kita stase bareng aja gapernah jadi senior junior stase jg ga pernah. Entah itu modusnya buat selalu ada bahan ngobrol sama gw atau main bareng gw atau emg simply dia ga modal aja anaknya. Sempet dikecewain karena ternyata pa...
If I can describe a word for Russia it could be a Fairytale. It has too many beautiful things that you can only see in let say disney princess movies (?) happen in real life. From The castle, the museum, the campus building until the metro station underground. My favourite one would be the chandelier and the amber stone for jewerly and decoration inside the palace and museums. I am so in love with their architectural design. Indeed it showed their pride as one of the superpower country back then. Yet you can still see the remaining of it traces in every corner of their street and building. Russia's metro subway in Moscow and St. Petersburg are famous for its beauty because it has different theme in every metro along with the architectural design. Who said infrastructure isn't important? Well I guess it is fundamental in any country who want to be developed. As it is built to accomodate people transfer and hence support the economy later on. My trip to Russia was a blessi...