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May is a busy and happy month after gloomy April :(

Well I don't know why I felt so depressed on last April. I felt homesick a lot, lonely, don't feel like doing anything (it's even worse if you're listening to the Bruno Mars-Lazy Song which is bad to stuck on your head and you REALLY don't like to do anything for the rest of the day then), felt really bored, didn't have any energy, felt like being a failure and didn't satisfy enough with my exchange year. Although I was just got back from the wonderful trip of East Coast, Spring Break and presenting Indonesia in Relay for Life to help raising money for Cancer with my Girlfriend Clubs from school provided by American Cancer Society. Well if I look at back I should have been busy and grateful for what I've been done. Well yeah recalling the lesson from psychology about Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) maybe it's true that people got depressed during winter but the the suicidal rate is high during spring season because they got energy. Well for me I don't know why, I'm living in sunshine state so as the name there must be enough sunlight then right, yap :) But I think I figured out what was the causes, I just got too much test on April and lack of recreational activities! And also agree with the fact that heat makes people got high tempered! Well you can include me as one of them. I remember when I just got back from Winterkurs in Germany, it was cold, freezing yet it never makes me tired having fun with new friends around the world and Indonesia. But then as soon as I got back to Indonesia I have to deal with load of works that I have missed at school and dealing with heat again of course. It made me feel depressed and high tempered with the fact that I have to deal with my reality again coming back from fairy tale world that I wish I could possessed my entire life.This time it was almost the same situation where I just got back from cold weather from up north back to hot weather Florida and ready to face the school again. Luckily it was spring break when I came back so at least I have some time to get recover :) But then month of April just filled with test and tutoring! ACT, FCAT sciences and upcoming AP Exams. It drove me crazy even though I didn't really care about those test because it will not counts against me but yet it's ME that is a perfectionist who always think something thoroughly, do the best and it just give too much energy that makes me tired and just want that over. Oh well I couldn't imagine how would I cope the situation when I finally go back to Indonesia after my exchange year, oh well it's 2 months away from now so I'll think about it later.

Okay enough with the gloomy sharing and stuff now got to the FUN part :)
May has been wonderful although this is just the middle of the month but I know it would be end up nicely. In the beginning of May, I took the AP exams which now give me a relief because at least  now I don't have lots of works for Psychology (we're just watching Ordinary People Film which is good to apply and analyze our knowledge about Psychology to the actual person case) and Calculus (we learn new stuff such as polar coordinate and binary number at least not as tough as calculus..) 

AP Psychology Exams! Prides with our shirts :) and happy to be awarded :)

In the end of the week I finally got to go to Universal Studios for Universal's Grad Bash! :) It was so fuun, gotta dance watching Pitbull and B.o.B concert and riding a fun indoor roller coaster. Among my favorite were rides from Spider Man, Harry Potter, and the Simpsons. I like indoor Roller coaster because I can feel the sensation of it and feeling the journey of it as the characters in it. Regular Roller Coaster is okay but I'm kinda afraid of it because it's real and I'm such a realistic person that just worry sometimes and I always keep my eyes closed the entire ride and just sneak out couple times. It fast so I didn't really feel the sensation of it. It was also nice because the entire park closed for visitor and open only for seniors around the states and Florida. It open on 7 pm until 2 am! So i got back to St. Pete on 4 am!

Congratulations Senior 2011!!! :) I wish I'm a senior too and can graduate with you guys :)

Then the next following week I was busy having a drama practice everyday after school because our Musical Spring Play: Little Shop of Horrors would be on Thursday, Friday and Saturday night. I didn't have big role though but I just had some fun singing with the chorus and being a bums as an old lady along the sides of Skid-row :) On Saturday night we had cast party at Cody's after the Play. It nice to be involved in the play :)

Then last Sunday Bridgett came over to my house and we just swam together and chatting :) Well looking forward for Prom and My Farewell Party then June for graduation and end of school! :) Finally my exchange year will going to be end up soon eventually :(


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