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Come Back Home (read: back to the reality and looking forward for the future)

Well first of all I want to say "Happy Eid Al Fitr 1432 H" may our sin would be forgiven and we could come back as a whole new better person as if we born again as a newborn baby.

It's been 2 months since I've came back to my home country, Indonesia. The "Honeymoon Phase" the stage where we were told we'll be facing during End of Stay Orientation has come to an end for me. When I came back the first time, it just felt weird. I was such in an euphoric state being back yet I didn't really know how to fit in again. I am talking in term of school and facility context. I indeed understand things will be different and I felt like I was just dreaming going to some faraway places then I come back seeing people whom I know are moving forward. Yet I haven't seen any big changes in my country unfortunately. It was still in "that" state when I left a year ago. Sadly enough to compare and contrast thing that is convenient which makes people life seem much more easier. (I am trying to relieve my frustration toward the absence of dishwasher and dryer in the washing machine so you don't need ironing) Frankly to say, I would love to have those convenient thing someday here but friends and family who I have here are priceless that I would never trade off. After all I'm really glad to be back and feeling more grateful of what I have right now. It's true that, only here I can be truly my self.

Speaking about people who are moving forward, they are all my fellow classmates who had just graduated from high school and continue to college. During Ramdahan (lots of bukber going on) or if I met them during their visitation at school, I can just actively asking them about how they went through the senior year and their newly college experiences. It's kinda frustrating me to think about college (its actually does all the time though) in term of how hard it is to get accepted. My passion since I was born is to be a doctor, oh well maybe from the first time I know science. I just don't know why I really want to be a doctor so bad. Its kinda like some insight that planted in my head although I don't really have some figures or that kind of thing to push me being a doctor. The reason that I stated to my parents were because I don't want to be an employee of some company so that my 'life' would depend on them. I am considered myself pretty independent and I think if I become a doctor I can do practice by my own and I really want to build a hospital for poor people for free. And its also a pretty demanding and high rate salary job and focus into direct profession. Additionally I love biology since the first time I got it at schools. I think maybe because I always got a good biology teacher who could inspire me. The funny thing is almost all of my fellow classmates from my junior year, we called ourselves biosquad because our pathway is biology, are one step closer to be a doctor. Although most of them go to private university. Well you know, because to get into the faculty of medicine in public university is tough. Another of my concern is not only about how hard to get into public university but also the expense that my parents have to deal with if I end up have to go to private university. I know maybe it's not a big deal for some of my friends since we go to private school that use international curriculum so the bill is quite expensive for other private school. But still going into medicine in private university can cost hundreds millions and I just don't want to bother my parents with that.

So here I am try to work hard (although that lazziness virus hasn't gone off yet: reading and sleeping -_-)  make a promise to God and the rest of the world that I am going to be a student of Faculty of Medicine in University of Indonesia on year 2012. If people make a new resolution during new year's eve in Gregorian Calender, I make one now. It's a new Islamic Year after all.



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