Welcoming new year it feels just weird. I feel that time flies so fast and I couldn't even keep up with it. In the beginning of new year last year I was in USA and then now I'm back in Indonesia. It was as if all of that were just a dream. It's like now whenever I woke up I'm still in my bedroom wondering if I was ever woke up in the other side of the world.
Anyway I rarely celebrate those kind of new year's eve celebrations. My family never really into watching fireworks and blowing trumpet. Most of the time I was just trying hard to sleep by ignoring the crazy loud sound of new year's euphoric celebration from our neighborhood. Well, we had once playing fireworks in our neighbor's house. As for my other friends, specially my besties, they usually also celebrate on their own with their families.
So this new year I feel so excited to celebrate it. Well my afs/yes friends were planning to do a sleepover and since they want to nostalgic in my grandma's house like our last sleepover for tribute so yeah I end up inviting them to celebrate new year's eve in my house. We bought the food to cook together first, we did barbecue and Gita made yummy tiramisu :) then when the clock hits midnight we blew trumpet and ignite the fireworks. Then we kept awake until morning came to watch horror movies. I wasn't expected to get scared though, insidious was really freak me out by the story line. In the morning we slept for couple hours and had late breakfast, rode bicycles ad keep chatting all the way. Oh and did I mention we also had some S'mores? I really miss that! I though without Hershey and gram crackers it wouldn't be the same. But well you can always be creative to maximize all that we have, Regal and Silverqueen :p (ga ada rotan akar pun jadi, hehe)
To end up this welcoming new year's greeting I just want to say my resolution is to achieve what am I dreaming of all my entire life. It's about to come this year, the fearful and tense moment. Graduated from high school and hopefully accepted into the medical school that I'm intended to go. And after that hopefully I can be a better person by fulfilling my nadzar to wear hijab. Insyallah :D
Well I really have to work and study full to the limit, wish me luck :D Please God, don't make me become a lazy and cocky person, that way I'l really need to keep focusing on study :)
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