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I'm back on this (new) Year :)

Ergggh I don't even know where to start because I have a lot to say since lots of things are going on these past month. It's really a good start this year for me since I've done many good and interesting activities although I'm aware that it's not a good start to open this year with natural disaster for Indonesia. We have to pray more then..

So yeah although I'm kinda sad because my mom keep saying that I don't really miss her that much so then I only coming home for a week and then go back to Semarang. But I try to explain to her that I think I can be more productive and maximized my time wisely here to do activities that have more benefit compare to if I only stay home. I feel that now, if I'm coming home I feel that everybody already have their own life, like my brother go to school, my dad go to work and my mom with her friends and what I can only do just follow her around to go out because that it's not that easy to arrange meeting to hang out with my old friends there considering their own schedule, the traffic and we live faraway from each other.

Whilst here in Semarang I am so passionate about being active in all of the activities that held any organizations that I join such as AMSA, Rohis, Maladica, HIMA and volunteering in Binabud Semarang and besides my circle of friends are people who also join those organizations and they are kinda active people too. So we can hangout easily just for fun but in another time we also can hangout but give benefits to people such as getting more knowledge just doing some community and social service.

So yeah firstly I wanna start form the new year's eve which is always happen to be in the middle of our exam week hell yeah. But still in the middle of reading the text book for the exam we still can have fun picnic in the parking lot of our kost and sausage barbeque. I flashed back to the year that I did barbeque with my afs friends at my house, it was fun too after all. Playing with trumpet and fire works always fun in the new year's eve with our besties :)

then the exam start and end and what a surprise that my GPA this semester got cum laude! woop woop.. well but still have to work on for the cumulative GPA though to be cum laude as well too, so I got to take short semester again this semester although my target is achieved, no C on the transcript but I still have to take the short semester besides striving to get a better GPA but the main thing is because there's just a lot to do here regarding open recruitment HIMA and annisa activities.

I can never stop to say how grateful I am to be here and surrounded with amazing people too that also has shaped me to better day by day. Always remember that Allah give us what we need not what we want.. and yes He truly did it. I can really develop my interest about everything here and try out new things I never did before.

So then right after exam I actually should go back home because it's my mom's golden birthday! but I already shipped out custom pillow with this below picture printed on it :)

and besides my mom's birthday I actually already asked my AFS friends to push back the schedule of YB 3 that got the grants from US Embassy $3000 ! but then my exam schedule suddenly re-scheduled too and it's finished during the YB day so I can't come home then, with the additional Pendas Maladica too after the exam. But I appreciate that my friend still consider me as part of the committee :) because I made the proposal to ask for the grants! haha..

Okay I am not that completely regret about the fact that I can't attend those two important event which I could have done if only my exam schedule didn't get extended and I can go back home that early. Instead I try out new things for hiking! Yeah I officially joined Maladica, it's kinda like scout, Mahasiswa Pencinta Alam Medica dan Tim Bantuan Medis. So one of the requirements to be the official member of Maladica with the official number for the TBM is join the following training to be inaugurated, such as basic education indoor and outdoor (read: Pendas Ruangan dan Pendas Lapangan). In Pendas Ruangan we are taught about all of the skill about the situation on the mountain and emergency situation.

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger...."
Quote yang akhirnya dijadiin lagu dan dinyanyikan oleh Kelly Clarkson itu emang sesuatu yang harus gw akuin bener adanya, karna klo lo ga push your self to the limit you just never know how strong you are actually, but I know my self very well, the fact is I am not that strong either, lol. But I do can accomplished that challenge to hike the mountain ungaran though, and thankfully I'm not that  weak either too, so yeah I was okay. And it's really good to know too that there were some of my friends who were concerned about my health conditions. Tapi sumpah it was a very unforgettable experience. It was my first time hiking and the weather was really worst.

"Hujan badai kan ku tempuh bintang dilangit kan kuraih..."
Kita nyampe nya malem, jalanannya nanjak terus dan hujan badai, berkabut, sampe malem aja tidur di bivak bikin sendiri dan walhasil gagalnya karna hujannya deres banget dan banjir lah kita di dalam ga bisa tidur. Gw udh ngeri aja salah satu temen gw menggigil mulu kan dalam bivak, sleeping bag nya ga anti air jadi basah kerendem, takut dia hipotermia aja mengingat suhunya juga dingin brrr.. And following the day dilakukan pelatihan Basic Life Support dengan kasus yang beda-beda terus lanjut lagi naik gunungnyaa.. Lebih parah bahkan hujan badainya, kabut bikin lapangan pandang cuma berjarak beberapa meter dan bikin kita dan gw personally khususnya nyasar -_- anyway a part from that I enjoy the togetherness of Maladica, konco abisss hehe.. People said that someone will become themselves when they are out in nature and yap they did, people are basically good based on humanity view and all of them are just kind and caring, hopefully could be like this until we become a true doctor someday :)

Persiapan sebelum Pendas Lapangan surprise for Vivi dan Gita :3

"Jangan memburu apapun kecuali waktu
Jangan mengambil apapun kecuali gambar
Jangan meninggalkan apapun kecuali jejak
Jangan membakar apapun kecuali semangat"

---Ungaran 17-19 Januari 2014

Super kece pengumuman kabid HIMA abis turun gunung yang ternyata curah hujan paling tinggi adalah minggu itu ketika kita lagi naik ke atas. Turns out half of the kabid nya adalah anak-anak maladica, which is temen2 gw juga, apalagi kost D'house yang bahkan ga kabid hima jg ada kadep annisa rohis jg haha.. pejabat semua gt ya bahkan ketua rohis sama hima dan wakilnya yg baru juga di maladica, bahkan senat juga wkwk.. It just fun meeting people that have same interest with you.. Dulu besties gw ga ada yg anak-anak osis jadi rasanya beda aja gt mereka ga ngerti klo gw lagi sibuk2nya ngurus acara, but here, everyone know each other are busy with their own karna sama2 ngerti posisinya dan saling membantu, hehe.. What a surprise for me juga I was offered 3 positions as I mentioned before jadi ketua bidang, mana bisa kan di 3 organisasi yang beda, belah diri aja ya gw lama2 haha.. Yah tapi mudah2an bisa mengemban amanah kedepannya deh yaaapski..

Okay it still new year after all, chinese new year right :) imlek, haha.. and I've got little bit of chinese blood run on my body but I never celebrate it though but this time just hang out to look for the culinary in semawis festival :)

and to end this long random mix post, today just a busy but really meaningful day to spend with Maladica and Annisa :) So in the morning we went to help out in Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) in RS Kariadi, the boys pretending to be the patient who got different case of trauma while the girl act as the nurse to help out giving the equipment needed for the treatment by the doctor who were tested and wanted to work in emergency room. I've got a lot of lessons just to watch this examination, how you have to elaborate it systematically and how you treat and communicate with your patient. Even what I've just learned are important, the examiner keep asking about how good your anatomy was, and stuff like that, and the Glaslow Coma Scale (GCS) are determined by Saturation of Oxygen, Respiratory Rate, blood pressure and pulse pressure which I've learned a little bit in physiology and biochemistry and the basic concept of A-B-C-D-E are learned in Maladica and E-fast before (Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, Exposure). After that we surprise Rifqi for his birthday and cusss to go to Panti for Annisa event..



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