Gorgeous women do not go to Medical School -House I recently mentioned by my high school biology teacher concerning my facebook status of one of my biosquad's friend. Coincidentally I currently watching House MD episodes on DVD and still seeking which one is the best episodes to watch together on FEMUR of AMSA. Well anyway my friend said that he wholeheartedly disagree with that statement but somehow I actually agree with that. It's actually not the gorgeous women go into medschool in the first place are wrong but the point of somehow getting into medschool make you feel not gorgeous anymore. Duh what am I talking about, I don't even understand. But the point of what I am trying to make is actually I feel really lame in here somehow, instead of knowing lots of things going around outside I am stuck memorizing microscopic creatures that might infect you like bacteria or parasites that not even clear to distinguish and some of it may not even pathogenic and that kinda...