Gorgeous women do not go to Medical School -House
I recently mentioned by my high school biology teacher concerning my facebook status of one of my biosquad's friend. Coincidentally I currently watching House MD episodes on DVD and still seeking which one is the best episodes to watch together on FEMUR of AMSA. Well anyway my friend said that he wholeheartedly disagree with that statement but somehow I actually agree with that. It's actually not the gorgeous women go into medschool in the first place are wrong but the point of somehow getting into medschool make you feel not gorgeous anymore. Duh what am I talking about, I don't even understand. But the point of what I am trying to make is actually I feel really lame in here somehow, instead of knowing lots of things going around outside I am stuck memorizing microscopic creatures that might infect you like bacteria or parasites that not even clear to distinguish and some of it may not even pathogenic and that kinda waste your time knowing them with their hard name. One of my lecturer even said so, and I really love how she actually shape her mind with that perspectives since I actually feel that she have something in common with me because I raised with little bit same environment like she mentioned. In which, she felt sorry that our country system having taught us conformity to avoid confrontation and thus any creativity should banned if it gives harm to the system People are expressing their ideas based on what others want to hear and expected by the society not by what they actually think it is right deep down inside their heart, and they choose to keep silence and don't make such a fuss out of that. But I don't know why but how I raised and my education system taught me differently like the western liberalisation nowadays like what she said how she raised in Europe, in which people are allow to give out their opinions and creativity and they are not afraid to do so but they are being critical but still they have a strong reference to refer too, not just giving out opinion without any filter. And she said, it is also implied on how we are doing the test. We are study not because we want to know all of the knowledge concerning on the lecture but we identify the lecturer first how is the style of question that will be given to us. And sometime I still having difficulties in doing so, and I feel like sometime I wrongly studied the material or I had waste my time studying over the materials that is hard to comprehend or not even coming up on the test, whilst people are already used to studying just over the questions banks that sometimes repeated over the year. Therefore sometime I feel my motivation to study keep lowering because I have difficulties understanding the material and the lectures and how it is not turn out to be the same when given out on the test with the multiple choice questions. I had experienced essay questions test ever since junior high school in which it help me getting motivated and to enhance my critical thinking skill and so that I understand the material better, but when it comes to multiple choice questions, it could be so tricky that sometimes your whole understanding could be turn upside down.
Well it just some of my thought about how I feel strugling in this med school in which actually only apply 10% out of 90% in which we might get during our internship to be co-ass and our experience as a doctor. Too much thing to be learned and I have no idea how I can deal with all of that when I meet patients with common symptoms yet behind that the etiology to conclude the diagnose are hundreds and you have to sort it out quickly in your head when you do the anamnesis.
Well I am busy preparing for the National Scientific Fair Competition and I cancel out my LIMUN application, I figured I didn't have time to hand on the application and also have time to taking care of it next semester.. I really should keep my head straight for academic stuff because I had screwed up on my mid test, and the result come out as bad as I imagine. I cannot imagine any worse than that coming up. I really should get ahold of me.
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