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1/3 of AADC back in 12 years

well, dari sekian juta pemuda-pemudi Indonesia generasi 90an yang tumbuh dengan cerita cinta dari bangkitnya perfilman Indonesia yang diawali dengan film nge hits era itu yaitu "Ada Apa dengan Cinta" atau yang akrab kita singkat AADC, entah gw juga ga ngerti kenapa gw bisa jadi salah satu yang kena dampaknya. Seketika lagunya booming lagi, dan cuplikan-cuplikan filmnya muncul di ingatan bahkan dialognya juga keingetan. Di radio, di media sosial, youtube, instagram, what else name it deh. Sukses banget emang media sosial yang satu itu munculin lagi film ini yang endingnya emang sempet nge gantung dulu dan ga happy ending like most kinda fairy tale movies. Entah karena efek hormonal gw yang memang mendukung gw yg jadi lebih sensitif dan rentan buat jadi galau, tapi entah kenapa timing nya pas banget sama kehidupan gw. Sejujurnya emang klo dipikir2 gw emg suka terlalu kebawa film gitu tapi ini bukan drama yang gw bikin2 dan kait2in gitu. It just really happened similar to my stories somehow. 

This is for you, whom not even replied me back until a week although you said that you forgive me and we'll become a good friend forever and ever. I know it's been quite long years and I regret my action in the past, but I cannot turn back time and as I get older and wiser I realise that I shouldn't make that decision in the first place and now we may even can still be a good friend not a fake one because there's just no hard feeling and there's no 'ex' friendship. 

Mungkin cerita gw ga bisa happy ending like Line stories of AADC but somehow it just funny that this whole thing remind me of those past years. Then suddenly I scroll down my timeline and found this advice:

this remind me of my dad's advice actually. I know sometimes he's just being too overprotective towards me but I understand the reason behind all of his action because he simply just love and deeply care about me. This actually really happened. Gw sering cerita ke temen2 gw gimana orang tua gw addressing each other dan komunikasi sehari2 dengan lo-gw dan manggil nama karna dulu emang mereka temen SMA dan seumuran although they weren't actually best friend or in a same group of friend. Tapi dari mereka gw jadi melihat persahabatan yang abadi, gimana mereka bisa jadi awet muda karena itu, and there's nothing to be hide for your partner and it seems no hierarchy or something like that if you know what I mean.

Well I guess, I have to stop this and continue my task :( Prepared for next hectic week, and wish me luck to apply for EAMSEP Croatia! hap hap :))



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