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The Wanderlust and Ambivert

Hello, I'm back in 2015! :)

I once captivated by the word "Wanderlust" in one of the article that my friend shared on her Facebook timeline. Yo can read out the article here.

Wanderlust means [-- a love of travel or regular old curiosity] 

[The gene itself, which is identified as DRD4-7R, has been dubbed the “wanderlust gene,” because of its correlation with increased levels of curiosity and restlessness, for the most part.
In reality, however, those who carry this genetic information typically share one common theme, a history of traveling.]
It even said that it runs through your gene! So the need to explore and go on adventure I guess quit a bit running inside my gene. I do like travelling around and exploring new things as well as knowing and understanding different culture. So I'm glad that I got to become an exchange student once again and go on a Euro Trip as well. I would really want to tell my journey in detail but I guess I was just too lazy to type because I still working on my Scrap Book project and just watching K drama to kill the leisure time or read some text book once  a while. Now that I have more free time that any other semester because I already got into Clinical Subject in which demand you to be Independent learner. It gives you freedom but I won't let my self fail on any subject because of bad time management to study and I even already overthink how I will do my exam since it probably collide with my AMSC schedule :(

Somehow I don't know how to express my gratitude toward God who already made me so grateful in life because he just always help in me in some way, an angel out of nowhere help me to get through this financially and supportively. But then I have to keep in mind that I still need to be always feeling grateful because I feel that something that I take it for granted or easily isn't fun anymore, I mean you will feel a great of joyful when you got that through a series of hard work. But then when you lose that kind of things and got it right away you lose the feeling to pursue it. It just same like it's no fun anymore when you join a competition without many competitor, don't you think? You can evaluate yourself how good you are if you can compare it with others. This whole idea is hard to express and deliver and I don't even know what did I just write but maybe you'll got the point somehow.

Well anyway I kinda find my old self this year to be back on track however I 'm not quite on track on the academic things though, I still need to upgrade my GPA to be graduate with cumlaude predicate for sure!

Now that I somehow find my self trap in the Research project in which every semester I always have some project to do. Now that we won unexpectedly in NRPC and we have to carry out the project to be presented in AMSC Singapore 2015, hopefully we can nailed it in International Conference, couldn't believe that we made this far though. So it's been pretty hectic last couple month after EAMSEP Croatia and Euro Trip also Scholarship application and now I have to deal with Mawapres application now hopefully it turns out a good result.

Ambivert: [n Someone who exhibits qualities of both introversion and extroversion.]

Another thing than Wanderlust is that I find my self to be an Ambivert. Neither Introvert nor Extrovert. If I assessed my own self, I notice that I like to hang out with people but then if I go out too much I just need some time for my self, to do my own thing and feel relaxed. And the fact that I quite adapting to people whom I talk to, I always adjust how I behave and how the conversations lead depend on the people. Well it might be also that way to most people but I feel that some people could actually be a true extrovert when they cannot really leave them self alone, they always seek for people and they feel lonely when they're not, and that they open up to everyone. But I guess I'm not, I could be really open only to the one whom I trust and comfortable speaking to. And in the other hand I don't feel like a true introvert either because I like to be involved in group talks or discussion and not only observing. 

In the classic Psychological Types, Jung wrote:
"There is, finally, a third group … the most numerous and includes the less differentiated normal man … He constitutes the extensive middle group."
This middle group consists of the ambiverts.
See if you recognize any of these ambivert traits:
  1. Ambiverts are more flexible. They don't really prefer one way of functioning over the other.Mateo Sol described ambiverts as "… the neutral, middle-ground hippies … equally comfortable in situations where the introvert feels most at home and the extrovert is having a good time."
  2. They're more emotionally stable. Extroverts are not easily influenced by outside factors, while introverts are hypersensitive. Ambiverts offer a good balance between the two and are referred to as the stability "normal" by famed psychologist Hans Eysenck, who coined the term "ambivert" in 1947.
  3. Ambiverts are intuitive. This is a quality that serves them well in life and in business. As journalist Daniel K. Pink wrote, ambiverts "know when to speak up and when to shut up, when to inspect and when to respond, when to push and when to hold back."
  4. They're more influential. In Grant's sales experiment, ambiverts earned average hourly revenues of $155--24% higher than extroverts. People at either extreme end of the introvert-extrovert scale had the worst sales, while those smack in the middle had the highest, at $208 per hour.
I like this one! Daniel Pink said that ambiverts “know when to speak up and when to shut up, when to inspect and when to respond, when to push and when to hold back.”

Take the quiz!

Keep in mind that if there's a will, there's always a way and that Success is where preparations meets opportunities. I always caught my self cannot believe that I haven't even say a word I want something, it just still pop out in my head but somehow maybe my action leads to work it out and it turns out to be realized for real and that Allah just always grant my wishes and I hope it continue to be that way if I keep feeling grateful and have a goal in my life.



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