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Croatian Adventure Part 2

So here again I continue my EAMSEP story.

On the second week February 9th to 16th), after done with the hospital rotation in Internal Medicine department, We had Tuberculosis discussion in Pub Tunnel. The activities called as "SciCaffe" I think from the name that they want to discuss Science in more fun and creative way in such a Pub or Caffe, well I am not sure though, but what I've just experience kinda surprising because my friend have to delivered his research project presentation about Tuberculosis in the Caffe where the atmosphere wasn't 'scientific' enough, you got my point right? While the Professor who was also gave us some lectures about TB said that it was also his first time to present kinda serious discussion in that kind of place. What I think was ironic was we were discussing about how to keep a healthy lung by staying out of TB but the Caffe were full of smoke in the air because people were trying to destroy their lung by smoking in the 'appropriate place' which is "a Caffe" not a class room or conference. (Pardon my sarcasm, I just hate smoke invading my asthmatic lungs). But overall I like the new experience and the discussion went well too. Then in the evening, we were interviewed by Student Radio-Radio Sova in Radio Rijeka Building! We hang out in the Kras Chocolate Caffe first to try out Croatian's signature chocolate "Bajadera" drinks. Me, Dimas and Ruth decided to do the interview because they only allow 2-3 people for recording session. It was fun, we introduce Indonesia to Croatians and we also told them how was Croatia and our EAMSEP experience from our perspective. It was my second time in recording room after I did Aussie Challenge in Trax FM when I was in high school. The triumph feeling and hesitance when you realize that your story would be broadcasted all over the country and anticipated how would people think after hearing that, so you're worried that you didn't speak good enough. But I was happy that Ema and her mom thought I did okay and I delivered a clear voice. We listened to the broadcast of the Radio after we got home from the Radio Station.

Tue 10th Feb
The next day, we head out to the kindergarten to have a community service project that aim of reducing children's fear of the 'white coat'. The workshop called as "Teddy Bear Hospital". So it's like playing 'as-a-doctor' to the kids (main dokter-dokteran lah istilahnya di Indo). The kids will be line up and brought their own doll that have different medical problems to consult to us. We were divided into several teams, one for the administration, second for the doctor consultation and the third one for the pharmacist. We have to learn some short of daily conversation in Croatian to be able to speak to the kids, it's hard to speak Croatians though, specially for the pronunciations. The kids will explain to us which part of the doll's body is sick, usually they got trauma or fractured in their limb so we have to give out bandage. Before we did that, we did basic procedure of physical examinations with stethoscope and also give injections with syringe toy. If the kids were friendly and cooperative, we let them involve with the examinations so they can do check up on their dolls by their own. After that, we gave them the drugs prescriptions so that they can take the medicine in the pharmacist. In pharmacist they gave them a real juice (as it is written syrups in the prescriptions) and chocolate smarties for the tablet or capsule prescriptions. They are such a nice kids and the fact that they are actually afraid with us because they thought that we're 'different'. I know kids, we're Asians and that how you should meet different races of people ever since you are young so that the world will become a better place if you learn not to differentiate people based on their race and start to fight against each other. Human are naturally kind for each other, different doesn't mean that we'll come to harm you. *Imagine by John Lennon Background Music suddenly floating in the air*.
Then during the night, we had dinner at Peking Wok (Asian Restaurant which doesn't even have a 'real' regular tea, which means that it already adjust to Croatian tongue, oh well), the dinner was hosted by the Student Council of the University, we met the President and the Treasurer, well it's called like 'BEM Univ' in Indonesia. I really appreciate Ema Karmelic, our coordinator that held our program, I mean also admiring to the extent, because she just really a multi talented girl who have lots of connection so that they can make us 'famous' as an exchange student here. She had friends who is working in the Radio so that they can broadcast our story, she join University Student Council not just The FOSS Medri like HIMA in the medical shool only, she wrote a letter to major so that we ride the public transportation for free and some journalist even ask her to write down our story in their newspaper, and many more coupon that we got for drinks and food in Cafe or Restaurant, she made everything easier for us, pretty cool. That's why you always look upon her tired and busy checking out her phone all the time texting or calling anyone.

Wed 11th Feb
Then the next day, we had a one day great visit to a Psychiatric Hospital in Island of Rab. To reach the Island we have to ride the cruise (?), well looks like kinda thing but smaller, fit more car and buses than a place for us to sit, people prefer to stay on their vehicle and not to sit on the cruise, but well it's a nice view that you cannot miss if you were a tourist there. It was so beautiful, the island have some kind of vegetation that looks like I'm in the Middle Eastern Country, but maybe Mediterranean vegetation have more similar features not that I know of with the Middle East area, geographically they are close though. And the Hospital it self also very comfortable, far from depressing and gloomy stereotype of such a Psychiatric hospital would be, it also has lots of garden and therapeutic tools with collaboration for innovative therapy with US researcher that will help the patient releasing their stress. It also has lavender field that must be nice in Spring, and they use the lavender for crafting, they let the patient do crafting too, such as painting, drawing, crafting, etc... We also met the director of the hospital, a really beautiful lady who still stylist in her age, and I would remember her saying to close our meeting "You must always respect your patient. Whoever they are, they all have the same right to become better. As I saw when I visited Asia, you have a culture to respect each other greatly and sadly I don't see it here in Europe. Please, please preserve this mindset when you become a doctor in the future, wherever you'd end up." (Prof Sendula-Jengic, MD, PhD)

Thu 12th Feb
Then the next day, we had surgical sewing course at Physiology Department, it's nice to be actually doing it because I never had chance to do it in living things and the texture of mannequin, sponge and the real skin are waaay different, so it's nice to do a hands on of that. One of my friend really talented on doing the sewing and I bet he could be a good surgeon in the future :) He did it alone while we did it in pair, then turns out he finished first and his sewing was the most tidiest one among us. Then in the afternoon we visited Opatija, walk along the Lungomare, the Beaches, it's like the "Pearl in Croatia" tourism site.

Fri 13th Feb
On the Next day, we had some free time to buy souvenir, I got to buy new suitcase because my old one was broke in Italy because of bad airport handling and also we went to the Maritime Museum. Never know that Rijeka was in competition with Venice back then to be the most busiest port in Mediteranea, it was also the fortress or defense city for the Ottoman Empire to reach the Austria-Hungary Empire. Then at night, we watch movie in the Cinema. All of them wanted to watch 50 shades of Grey because it won't be broadcast in Indonesia, but I have my own principle, so I prefer to watch other movie and Ema join me to watch Jupiter Ascending in 3D. I just don't feel like it to watch "Legal Porn" (that's what they said after coming out from the theatre) or Women Abuses Relationship kinda thing together in a Cinema.

Sat 14th Feb
The next day we went to the Plitvice National Park for a whole day, it super magical with snow everywhere, but the sun still shine brightly so the temperature was 'only' around 1-5 degree Celsius so I can even sleep on the snow and don't feel too cold. At night, because it's "Valentine's Day" they had some kind of Party to raise fund for poor kids, held by Rotary Club. We were exhausted actually but we still decided to hang out for the party/

Sun 15th Feb
The last activities we did to close our fabulous 2 weeks in Rijeka was we join the 3rd Largest Carnival in the World, after Venice in Italy and Rio de Janeiro in Brazil! (Jember Fashion Week considered the 5th in the world if you may not know we have some sort of things too in Indonesia). It felt the whole downtown in the city turn into Parade in the Theme Park like Disney Parade or something like that in Disneyland.. All of the people were dressed up accordingly depending on their theme. This year medical school theme is Yoda, what ironic is their tagline "Let the condom be with you", so yeah it's like we're 'saving' the world by giving out condom, isn't is just like make a free sex legal and supporting it? Well as far as I actually against those campaign, I still had some fun though with the parade. And everyone were also drinking, it's kinda scary that drunk people could do anything and I'm afraid someone would harm me, because one guy fighting with another and the bottle of beer are scattered on the ground everywhere. And of my friend even accidentally drink 'Rakija' Croatian alcoholic beverages signature, which contain of 70% alcohol level, it's like equal to the alcohol amount in antiseptic, when she drank that, she felt her throat burning, and she rally cannot think straight after that, she slept on the ground, took a selfie with random people and so on. I wonder how the alcohol could taking control over your sanity really badly like that.

Mon 16th Feb
It's time to leave Croatia :( My host fam was so kind they gave me 12 different Tea Flavour that you can only find in Croatia as a Souvenir and also Calendar, they also drove us to the Bus station. Next journey is the Euro Trip! Here it is, Austria, we're coming!



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