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The Enlightenment

There was one Taiwanese boy once asked me "Is that okay for a Muslim girl to hold hand with a guy?". "It was from last night game, the AMSC Olympics. Oh you didn't join the play?"
"Yeah, I was preparing for my presentations so I take a break and prepared"

 I have no idea what should I actually answer to that boy, and I said "Shaking hand is okay I think"
and he said "Yeah, I know shaking hand is okay, but how about holding hand while we're playing last night?"

and I said "Well, it really depends on the person and the intention I guess", then I call another muslim friends from Bangladesh to explain but he wasn't really focus on the question and then we were talking about different topic. Then still with curiosity, I asked my Muslim Malaysian friend about this, which she was also a girl. I like her answer though which kinda bit the same with my answer previously but in a more elaborative way.

Interesting right? You'll never think about some simple Islamic rules when you are surrounded with Muslim majority around you in which that kind of questions are the "common sense" which everyone should know that, and even your Non Muslim friend wouldn't ask that because they think you would be offended with those kind of questions. Bur for me, my self, I feel that I want to study deeper about my own religion if I was asked by those critical question because sometimes you only take for granted everything and never seek for more knowledge to have better understanding about the Islamic Law.

Then during my holiday my dad gave new book "Islam Q&A: Dari Hukum Makanan tanpa Label Halal hingga Memilih Mazhab yang Cocok" written by my Uncle (Prof. H. Nadirsyah Hosen, Ph. D) who live in Australia and studied Law and Islamic Law then I kinda get how Islam is really are flexible but if only we know the knowledge about it. Then again, I watched Assalamualaykum Beijing Movie who told about the story of a Chinese guy who received some insight (Hidayah) to convert to Muslim after meeting this Indonesian girl and that his love for her led her to the Light of truth of Allah and that's because of his love to God he found the truth and marry her. I wonder how I am being challenged ever since I go abroad and meet people who only have little knowledge about Islam or not at all. I wonder how someday I should understand my religion deeply and could influence others by my attitude and appraise the Islamic teaching, because in the end eventually being a Muslim is only the right of Allah to choose his worshiper and we as a human can only spreading the words of Almighty. But that maybe it might be a good destiny for me If I could, let say convert such a cute Korean Guy when I become an exchange student once again, LOL.

Insyallah suatu saat ada yang mendapatkan hidayahnya melalui perantaraku. Insyallah.

Lots of lessons I got after the AMSC, AMSA conference in Singapore, in which, I should actually improving my Mandarin again (I used to learn it back then when I was in Junior High, my dad asked the Laoshi to come to our home) in order to communicate globally (well, almost all of the people in South East Asia know how to speak Mandarin, but the fact that the majority of AMSA member are Chinese though including in Indonesia). It was so cool though, the elder people sang Happy birthday in 3 different languages (English-Chinese-Malay) for my Birthday, wasn't that so lovely :3 (Should continue my study of Arabic and Spanish though! We cannot be left out in this cruel globalisation!). The next thing is definitely to learn more about Statistics (although I already improving my Grade in Short Semester, but still Statistic is actually waay harder and wider scope of studies and really useful in the Research). I should practice more to give Speech in English as well as in presentation, more formal language please (omit the 'eh' and 'like'). The fact that Indonesians doesn't necessarily have the 'same' accent that can distinguished us from any other nationalities, and the fact that we don't have that kind of combination of you may say Singlish (Singaporean), Taglish (Filipinos) or Konglish (Korean), you may say it's an advantage for us to master the English better right? I suppose.

Lastly, this is really a shocking semester where I got the worst grade ever and I should pay the price for it. The whole research thingy and the conference prep had really took my concentration and time so that I let my academic grades slip :( I should study and pray harder (doa orang yang terdzalimi insyaAllah terkabul ya, hehe) for this Short Semester to recover my Grades. InsyaAllah.



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