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Showing posts from May, 2020

Fairytale in disguise in Russia

  If I can describe a word for Russia it could be a Fairytale. It has too many beautiful things that you can only see in let say disney princess movies (?) happen in real life. From The castle, the museum, the campus building until the metro station underground. My favourite one would be the chandelier and the amber stone for jewerly and decoration inside the palace and museums. I am so in love with their architectural design. Indeed it showed their pride as one of the superpower country back then. Yet you can still see the remaining of it traces in every corner of their street and building. Russia's metro subway in Moscow and St. Petersburg are famous for its beauty because it has different theme in every metro along with the architectural design. Who said infrastructure isn't important? Well I guess it is fundamental in any country who want to be developed. As it is built to accomodate people transfer and hence support the economy later on.   My trip to Russia was a blessi...

Twin City of St. Petersburg

     Ini kali kedua saya di host di kota yang bernama St. Petersburg. Namanya boleh sama tapi kotanya beda jauh, yang    satu dingin banget satunya lagi panas banget. Tapi bukan itu yg mau saya ceritakan. Ini tentang mimpi siang bolong saya yang alhamdulillah dikabulin sama Allah so you can say another bucket list checked off.   Waktu dulu saya mau brgkt ke US saya berandai klo bisa dapet state yang ga begitu dingin winternya dan banyak theme park nya meski saya ga paham bgt geografi tiap states di US, lalu tau2 saya dapet placement di St. Petersburg, Florida yang cuma kira2 1 jam aja dari Disneyworld yang ada di Tampa, Florida. Ga cuma itu sih themeparknya yg mereka punya tp banyak lagi jadi saya bisa ke sana hampir tiap bulan.   Terus juga waktu saya ke singapur ikut AMSC, saya dulu pingin banget ikut brgkt conference amsa jadi peserta lomba dan alhamdulilllah kesampean juga.   Lalu pas ke croatia, saya pingin sekalian euro trip karena  emg...