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Fenomena JGTC Sebenernya super nyesel pergi ke JGTC malem itu instead of attending my relative's wedding. Gw ga tau kalo malem itu ternyata ada resepsi sodara jauh juga di hotel nikko (oh well keluarga gw emang super banuyak dan sering banget deh gw ke kawinan ampe kata temen-temen udah kayak langganan aja, ya mau gimana lagi coba? Selain silaturahmi, lumayanlah makan gratis :P).  Sebelumnya gw ada bimbel (derita anak kelas 3 SMA yang hiburan aja weekend ga ada waktu gara2 jadwal bimbel  -__-) dan hari itu super molor keluarnya, jadi terpaksa baru berangkat abis maghrib. Udah ujan (well I know it's always raining for the last 3 years, and yeah that makes me wonder why don't they change the date to the summer season instead of in the month of rainy season), becek, mobil gw parkir jauh banget di FIB dan pintu masuk & keluar cuma satu, So I have to go around the campus through that small, creepy, pathetic side walk close to that jungle look-a-like garden ...


Ada dua buah cerita yang saya dapat hari ini tentang adil. Dua-duanya mengandung esensi keadilan dari sudut pandang yang berbeda. Cerita 1 Suatu hari ada dua orang kawan kedatangan seorang musafir yang lelah berpergian dan terlihat kelaparan. Dua orang tersebut hanya mempunyai roti untuk persediaan bekal mereka. Orang pertama memiliki 5 buah roti sedangkan yang lainnya memiliki 3 buah roti. Melihat sang musafir terlihat kelaparan dan menanyakan apakah mereka masih mempunyai persediaan makanan, mereka pun memotong tiap buah roti yang mereka punya menjadi 3 potong sehingga roti yang mereka miliki menjadi 24 potong. Lalu dibagilah 8 potong roti sama rata ke tiap orang untuk dimakan. Esok paginya sang musafir meninggalkan 2 kawan tersebut dengan 8 keping   emas. Cerita 2 Pada setiap pagi, ayah memberikan uang jajan pada kedua anaknya. Anaknya yang lebih tua ia berikan uang jajan lebih daripada anaknya yang lebih muda. Suatu hari sang adik mengetahui hal tersebut dan protes...

Come Back Home (read: back to the reality and looking forward for the future)

Well first of all I want to say "Happy Eid Al Fitr 1432 H" may our sin would be forgiven and we could come back as a whole new better person as if we born again as a newborn baby. It's been 2 months since I've came back to my home country, Indonesia. The "Honeymoon Phase" the stage where we were told we'll be facing during End of Stay Orientation has come to an end for me. When I came back the first time, it just felt weird. I was such in an euphoric state being back yet I didn't really know how to fit in again. I am talking in term of school and facility context. I indeed understand things will be different and I felt like I was just dreaming going to some faraway places then I come back seeing people whom I know are moving forward. Yet I haven't seen any big changes in my country unfortunately. It was still in "that" state when I left a year ago. Sadly enough to compare and contrast thing that is convenient which makes people lif...

Looking forward for the end of the journey :(

Well well well it's a mix feeling that I could tell before I have to leave this country. Excited to go back for sure and will be missing lots of things here too :( Honestly I'm little bit speechless, I don't really know how to express my feelings, but sometimes I feel that I'm such a cold person with no feeling but in some point I found my self too sensitive. Oh well I'm just a really complicated human beings. Because I know in every meeting there will always a farewell which you want it or not when the time comes you just have to face it. Yesterday I just got my ticket to go to DC for End of Stay Orientation and they will give us the ticket to go back to Indonesia there. Now I start to packing up my things, organized some stuffs, sort it out (some goes to donation, some goes to my luggage otherwise I throw it to the trash). I already bought lots of souvenirs and they already occupied all of the space in my luggage. Luckily I can 2 take 2 luggage and 1 carry on (ca...

Poem Collection from 7 Habit Highly Effective Teens from Sean Covey

#1: Who am I?  I am your constant companion. I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden. I will push you onward or drag you down to failure. I am completely at your command. Half the things you do you might just as  well turn over to me and I will be able to do  them quickly and correctly. I am easily managed--you must merely be firm with me. Show me exactly how you  want something done and after a few lessons  I will do it automatically. I am the  servant of all great individuals and, alas, of  all failures, as well. Those who are great I have made great. Those who are failures, I have made failures. I am not a machine, though I work with all the precision of a machine plus the intelligence of a human. You may run me for a profit or run me for ruin--it makes no difference to me. Take me, train me, be firm with me,  and I will place the world at your feet. Be easy with me and I will destroy you. Who am I? I am habit #2: Man in the Mirr...

Happiness comes from YOU not THEM :D

-- written by Max Ehrmann in the 1920s -- Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love, ...

May is a busy and happy month after gloomy April :(

Well I don't know why I felt so depressed on last April. I felt homesick a lot, lonely, don't feel like doing anything (it's even worse if you're listening to the Bruno Mars-Lazy Song which is bad to stuck on your head and you REALLY don't like to do anything for the rest of the day then), felt really bored, didn't have any energy, felt like being a failure and didn't satisfy enough with my exchange year. Although I was just got back from the wonderful trip of East Coast, Spring Break and presenting Indonesia in Relay for Life to help raising money for Cancer with my Girlfriend Clubs from school provided by American Cancer Society. Well if I look at back I should have been busy and grateful for what I've been done. Well yeah recalling the lesson from psychology about Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) maybe it's true that people got depressed during winter but the the suicidal rate is high during spring season because they got energy. Well for me I do...

My Respect toward Thomas Jefferson

Okay first of all, I think all of you already know him right? He was the third president of United States of America and famous with his idea to promote justice and freedom among people. Well I know him and respect him but my perspective toward him change until today. He just opened my eyes about how the leader is suppose to be. So you might wondering why on earth in the sudden I just talking about him. I even can't wait to go home, grab my laptop and make my mind controlling my finger dancing on the keyboard because a long the way I just talk loudly to my self how could someone possessed almost all of the criteria of an ideal leader.   Anyway, today I started my volunteering activities again (after such a long break I went off for Suitcase/Backpacking Trip, Spring Break and FCAT testing week) in Bear Creek Elementary School. I usually go after school everyday to volunteer, helping the librarian put the book back to the bookshelf and well after I'm done it gives a lot of o...


Well I'm wondering, why I feel like my passion and my energy are like declining. Somehow I feel like nothing and nobody without support from my family and my close friends back in Indonesia. But then I said to my self, this is the time for me to be grown up, independent and like I said before, stay out of my comfort zone and seeing the reality of life which is shocking for sure. I know I have learned a lot during my stay in here. Psychology really give an insight and answer for some of my questions about the world and specially American. I know that if somebody achieve certain standard then their expectancy come higher and they will always improve it or at least stay in that position. People always look at me and say that they are jealous how bright and lucky I am, or how sometimes I am not grateful of what I already have. True, because I always expect something beyond that, and that always makes me underestimate my self and cannot clearly see my own potential. I am not type of p...

Suitcase Trip/Backpacking Budget!

I know I should have been post this story right after I got back. *such a procrastinator. Well I'm just too lazy, quite a bit :p Because I also keep track of my adventure in the book journal, so it's kinda tiring to write it twice. Anyway, me, untari, cenna and arya went on a trip to New York City (NY), Boston (MA), Philadelphia (PA) and Washington (DC) for 9 days (March 19th-27th). We were actually planning it as a backpacking trip (read: patahtulangdanpinggang), want to try feeling a sensation living like a hobo I guess, sleeping in a bus station with the huge backpack, well you might recall amazing race then. Fortunately, Arya's Local Coordinator was kind enough to be our chaperon so everything is lots easier (the waiver for permission slip, arranging the bus transportation and booking the hostels as well). So then we might rename our trip as a Suitcase Trip with the backpacking budget because we eventually carry the suitcase anyway ( I brought my cute carry on pooh sui...