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Looking forward for the end of the journey :(

Well well well it's a mix feeling that I could tell before I have to leave this country. Excited to go back for sure and will be missing lots of things here too :( Honestly I'm little bit speechless, I don't really know how to express my feelings, but sometimes I feel that I'm such a cold person with no feeling but in some point I found my self too sensitive. Oh well I'm just a really complicated human beings. Because I know in every meeting there will always a farewell which you want it or not when the time comes you just have to face it.

Yesterday I just got my ticket to go to DC for End of Stay Orientation and they will give us the ticket to go back to Indonesia there. Now I start to packing up my things, organized some stuffs, sort it out (some goes to donation, some goes to my luggage otherwise I throw it to the trash). I already bought lots of souvenirs and they already occupied all of the space in my luggage. Luckily I can 2 take 2 luggage and 1 carry on (cannot imagine the horrified journey going back, airport check in is always the crucial part in my travelling experiences and makes me always nervous and over thinking it. Last Day of School would be tomorrow but today is the last day of the exam so I'm very happy :) My senior friends already had their graduation last Saturday in Tropicana Field (Rays Stadium!), I'm really sad cannot graduate and walk across the stage with them since I know most seniors than juniors. Little bit envy to see pictures of my wearing cap and gown. Oh well even though I don't get the diploma, I still got certificate from my school though and tons of experiences, so I'm good :)

In the end of May I did farewell party at the Upham Beach and it was such a blast! I didn't expect that lots of people could come, so I'm very pleased that they could come. We just hang around and chat, swam, playing ball and ate pizza and brownies. My bestfriend Truc made me rice crispy  chocolate cakes, it's really nice of her. I got some presents to from her and Thu also Sammah and other of my girlfriend clubs' friends.

I hope I could meet them someday. Well you never know where life would brings you. It such a pleasant to know them. 

The next following week me and my host family visited my host sister in Cape Coral to celebrate her birthday. It was fun and his husband took us to d Kayaking! That's my first time I went on Kayaking, it was fun, challenging and I felt adventurous! The weather wasn't that good when it was my turn. The wind blew so hard    causing the sea unstable and created more waves. But I think it was even more fun and challenging but then we had to head back because it's getting worse and we can't handle it.



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